Striving to Realize Specialists in Circular IT Assets & Services
Contributing to the society from Recycle to Circular

Our life is being dramatically transformed by cutting-edge technologies and devices such as IoT and AI. In today’s world, where PCs, smartphones, servers, and communication devices become outdated in just a few years, there has been a strong emphasis on environmental considerations and resource reuse through recycling these devices.
However, recycling alone has reached its limits in many business environments worldwide. The global trend is now shifting towards Regenerate, the reuse of resources, moving towards a Circular Economy—a new movement aimed at sustainability and resource efficiency.
At CDR Eco Movement, we propose and support such business BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) solutions, aiming to maximize value creation for a future society.
Beyond traditional BPO, we embrace a new, proposal-based approach to address these corporate challenges and contribute to a circular society.
Circular Economy as a Service
We are CDR Eco Movement.
Corporate Philosophy

Solving Social Issues with Circular Economy as a Service (CEaaS)
For many years, we have been providing BPO services for IT devices to businesses. Notably, we have offered advanced services such as C-DreAm in the challenging areas of purchasing and trade-ins of used smartphones.
In light of global environmental and resource issues, we are now striving to realize a circular society. Our goal is to become a solution company that addresses comprehensive customer problems as a CEaaS (Circular Economy as a Service) company, rather than merely handling outsourcing for businesses.
From BPO to CEaaS
Based on the smartphone automatic re-productization equipment “C-DreAm” and AI grading, we will cloudify the services in the re-productization of used smartphones of ① data erasure, ② functional inspection, ③ appearance inspection, and ④ inventory management system, centering on appearance inspection which is our main strength. In addition, we aim to be a comprehensive SaaS company that can provide the entire system and/or individual functions to customers by collaborating with leading companies in each field.
We have named this “CEaaS (pronounced ‘shears’)” = Circular Economy as a Service.
CDREM 3R Circular Economy Model

Recycling. Recycling involves reclaiming and reusing resources or energy emitted by humans. It encompasses two main perspectives: addressing resource and energy issues, and reducing the amount of waste.
Regeneration is a term that means “renewal” or “reproducing repeatedly.” In the face of crises such as the depletion of Earth’s resources due to population growth and climate change, the concept of simply maintaining the current environment as “sustainable” is not sufficient to prevent resource depletion. Thus, the concept of regeneration was born, focusing on “renewing” the environment to a better state.
Rebuilding means reconstruction. It can refer to renovating or rebuilding structures and value chains, reassembling machinery, reforming societies, and restoring hope and confidence. Additionally, the term is used to describe the process of overhauling used items—such as cleaning, repainting, and other enhancements—to increase their value, as well as the act of manufacturing these refurbished products.